taking truck to the dealer.......


New member
Sep 24, 2006
I am having a terrible time getting my truck to start if it's below 50degrees out. I have talked to several people and I think what we have come up with is that there is one or more bad or "lazy" injectors. Anyway, my question is..... after I return the programing back to stock should i clear the codes?? I thought that when the SCT returned to stock it would take the codes with it but it didn't. I don't want to clear any bad injector codes though or the dealer may not see them. I'm sure somebody has an answer for me because on CompD sombody is always able to help, so thanks in advance!!
There probably is not any injector codes in there. Even though they are lazy the truck isn't running a misfire monitor during cold fuel compensation. So.... The only real way to pinpoint the guy not contributing would be an overnight cold soak. And starting it up with cold fuel compensation disabled and look for the low cylinder.