Tampico IN 2.6 Pull


New member
Oct 21, 2007
Tampico Indiana Diesel Truck and Tractor pull
Friday September 2nd 2011. Starting at 7pm

500 to win. pays 4 or 5 spots back.

8,000lbs including driver. Front weights are allowed!
-The tires must be DOT street tires. Cut tires are prohibited.
-The vehicle is limited to a single 2.6 inlet turbocharger.
-NO nitrous or propape.
-Water injection is allowed.
-Exhaust may exit anywhere, but must be directed upwards!
-Safety equipment is recommmended but not required. (loops, blankets etc)

Any questions call Bryan @ 812 521 2317
See you there hope the rat remembers how to use his camera he's been slacking!
Anyone see my buddy Justin Williams around? Hey man check in, I hope all is well.
I know Eric I really did slack @ SDX 11 but ill make it up tonight and tomorrow. I'm going to video the whole pull @ Fleece. Good times!

Bob, Justin is around. Still has blackout, Still works at Cummins. His is more involved in firearms, UFC fighting, working out (big mofo now) and his family. I miss him around the pulling world!
Finally get a good driver in that truck and look what happens! LOL
eric won by pull by pulling 50ft in the pull off. the track officials and the fans just couldnt except the fact that evan and adam wernt gonna run again in the pull off. back to back pulls aint good on hot motor, and not to mention the payout wasnt worth tearing up a 60k truck to shut all the drunks up. eric,adam, and evan put on a darn good show!
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Funny when the prostock tractors don't want to pull off they don't say ****. That place is a total joke!
i dont think they know what kinda money is invested in this stuff! i always did like going to tampico but after last night, im not sure im going back. i know them guys arent!
contact made on FB. Justin W was nice enough to take Marco and I on a tour or the Columbus plant back in 2005.

We had some nice steaks and beer then too.

Great memories of the early days .
Good job Eric love to see a video. Take good care of her.

Thanks Kevin and as far as the pull off I didn't agree with anything that went on, I only showed up just to learn the new truck. Now I agree no one says crap when a pro stock tractor doesn't pull off but, if i got a chance at pulling im going to pull thats why I have a truck. I didn't want to pull off either but, by the time the argueing was over my eng was at 160* and I had extra ice. Its safe to say that neither of them will ever be back to Tampico, I will be but only as a spectator if this is the kind of stuff thats going to happen. To the people who were yelling and crying about my pull off, when you put this much into a truck or have what we have then you can go pull its guts out for no reason. I was the only one who said f*ck it and pulled off if you dont like an 80ft pull off then maybe you should build your own. I know that with out fans there is no sport but you have to understand back to back runs doesn't go very well in these truck. Ok im done with my rant. Thanks for the videos Shaun your going to be divorced if you keep running around with me lol