Tappin vp44 pump wire


Aug 7, 2010
Whats the best way to tap the pump wire on the vp44 mi pump still has a warranty iv heard of ppl usin pinstyle wire taps that leave no trace of brakin the pump wire coating also thought about the stealth cover if it could be untraceable what u guys think is best way to do this
Nothing is untracable. Back in the say that crap worked.

Solder it.

Search before asking basic questions...
The best way is a good solder.

Depending on who put the warranty on the pump, you MAY get away with a stealth cover (Blue Chip Diesel Performance Specialists), but I very seriously doubt any diesel shop in the world isn't familiar with this type of tap... So they would be checking it.

Bottom line: you've gotta pay if you want to play. If you want to try to be deceptive and make a warranty claim on a pump that you knew was tapped, that's up to you.. Just don't be a dick when you get caught.