tcs converters

If it's this company I have one other there single disc converters in my truck and have no problems with it or the trans I had built for it.
I have two trucks with them....AWESOME!

They supply to many larger companies.
TCS makes top notch stuff! I drive by the shop daily. I wouldnt be suprised if they didnt make the converters for DTT the 2 shops are only 20 min apart and DTT doesnt make em at their head office. They have to be made somewhere. It only makes sense to me but I am just guessing.
Dtt Tc 's

Scott from Mass diesel is correct. They DONT make them for DTT.
I can get a billet front 89% single for a really good price . I've never heard of them. I don't run alot of power on the '06 . Checking to see if it is worth the effort or is it just "a little" tighter than stock.
when I was talking to the guy about building my trans and what kind of power level I was looking for and the use of the truck he said a single disc 87% would be fine for up to about 450hp/900ftp torque towing up to 18000 pounds total all day.I haven't towed that much weight yet but it is way better everyday driver.
I can get a billet front 89% single for a really good price . I've never heard of them. I don't run alot of power on the '06 . Checking to see if it is worth the effort or is it just "a little" tighter than stock.
The 89% in these converters is actually pretty tight. Thats the one I have and its tight.
i have one that ill be trying this spring. And she's gona have a lil abuse handed to her.