Tdi exhaust brake


Junk collector
Jan 18, 2010
I know fleece makes a kit for the 6.7 vgt turbo conversion to make the exhaust brake work. Do the vanes on the tdi close enough to be an exhaust brake? If so they should have a controler to activate an exhaust brake feature on the tdi vw. Anyone know about this?
On our 2010 tdi, if I hold the brake pedal just slightly it will downshift and start slowing. I figure the vanes close down. Works well
Closing the vanes won't create enough of an engine brake on a mk4 5 speed tdi. It'll do a little, but not anything like the newest pickups will do. You'd actually need something like a pac-brake to be effective.
And, again... Back in the day, we had to put stronger valve springs on the 12v trucks.

We've been spoiled with strong enough springs for over a decade.

It sure would suck to have the exhaust valves play kissy kiss with the pistons
I had thought about using the shut down valve that closes the intake track when the key is turned off,would be similar to a gas engine on hold back but haven't tried it.