Test and Tune May 17th Boaz WI


Comp D Sponsor
Jul 17, 2007
Fantasy truck pullers is hosting a test and tune in Boaz Wisconsin May 17 11:00 am till?? Rain date will be Sunday May 18.Everyone is welcome to come trucks,tractors from any club are welcome.We are using terminator sled at $10 a hook.Try to be there early so we can run in classes so Brad can save on setting the sled.Food and drink available on the grounds,any questions e-mail or call 563-580-1258 Rob or 563-580-0176 Tina. Also I will be there if anybody has any questions or concerns about there truck on getting teched.

might have to go out there and atleast you got a good sled brad is a hell of a guy
heard that he mad the sled even better then it was last year. Not so heavy at the start to help the diesels get up on the turbo

You going to be joining the club this year?
yea he put air bags on the axles this year just got it done a couple weeks ago i never saw it but heard about

prolly wont join this year kinda of a test year for me maybe next
No better place to test then on the track all summer
just saw the sled tonight air bags look pretty good on it and brad said shes all ready to go and i am going to try and goto that test hook if not sauk will be my frist pull they have a truck class there and brad said as long as it has lics plates on it you can pull
sounds good. Our truck wont be done in time for either hook but I will be at the test and tune for sure not sure on his pull hes putting on
weather is looking like its goin to be a great way to kick the season off

hope all can make it
so how was the turn out? my truck wasnt ready to pull but its going to be for the weekend in sauk you going to be there?