Testing an IPR?


New member
Sep 17, 2008
I think I have a failed IPR and want to confirm by testing it. Is it as simple as hooking up 12V to it and seeing if the solenoid moves? Thanks.
Truck ran great one day, didnt run the next. KOEO test was performed after repeated attempts to start the truck. Immediately after the KOEO test, tried starting the truck and it started instantly. At least as fast as it has ever started in the past. Truck ran for 15 min, then the oil pressure gauge dropped to 0, truck ran for another 15 sec. and died. Would not restart. Verified that the LPOP is still moving oil by watching the oil filter housing fill up quickly with no filter in it. Checked LPOP PSI with a mechanical guage and have 0.

As I understand it, the only electrically related solenoid to control anything with oil pressure (high or low) is the IPR.

I have 12V at the IPR harness plug, so I assume feeding 12V to the IPR should make it move. From what I have read, the IPR defaults to the open position, so 12V should close it. When I apply 12V to the IPR, nothing happens. From other research, it seems that the IPR (when fully open) can dump enough oil from the HPOP to cause a no oil pressure condition in the LPO system as well. So I am hoping its a simple fix like an IPR and not something more serious.