Texas DHRA race...259 pics inside

Great pic's :thankyou2: for sharing
Those are great. Finally got a pic of my truck launching.

Thanks for the link Richard.
railguy1 said:
Hey Rich how come I don't see you in any of those pics??????

Rich you guys having anything big going down next summer? I'm makin' a trip to Houston to visit my Dad, and I'd like to attend.....maybe even work out a door prize or something for ya!

Somebody took a pic of DJ & Vivian talking with the FURO RACING crew all together next to the DIESEL BOSS TRUCK, was wondering if we could get a copy of it???

Send it to info@furoracing.com

Thank you!!!!
Tim was definately representingall weekend.

Good to meet ya Tim, now we just need to work on getting that Kentucky redneck down next year.