The Problems Have Begun


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Bought an 06 F250 4x4 a few weeks ago. Love the truck. It's everything I've ever wanted in a truck; 4x4, leather, sunroof, loaded, etc. Went to a friend's house to pick up some stuff, came back out and it wouldn't start. Trailered it to the local dealership for service, left it sit overnight and the next morning, it fired right up.

Drove around to the service department and left it with them. It's still under warranty, so it's no big deal. That was Friday, the 17th. They called me on Monday, the 20th and told me the truck was ready, I went to pick it up and it wouldn't start again. The mechanic came out and after about 30 seconds of cranking, got it running. He proceeded to blow smoke up my butt about how it wasn't taken up to operating temperature, blah, blah, blah. He told me to take it and while we were talking, the truck died. The look of "Oh crap" on his face was priceless. He said it looks like they needed to work on it some more.

Fast forward nearly two weeks and my truck is still in the shop. Last time I saw it, the transmission was removed as was the top of the engine. They've replaced the high pressure oil lines, the branch fittings and a couple other things to no avail. The service manager told me that it's throwing them all sorts of curves. It will start one minute and not the next. Apparently they're at their wits end on the truck. I called Ford corporate and got the song and dance about working with the dealer, or taking it somewhere else to get it fixed. I just bought this truck and will be making payments on it for a few years. I'm really hoping this is an isolated incident and one that I won't have to deal with on a regular basis. I've had to change plans, cancel trips, etc because I don't have the truck. I'm really starting to get frustrated. The only saving grace is that it's still under warranty

OK, I'm done venting.
That sucks. If it is possible, ask around for a good diesel dealership and take it there. I know one of the better dealerships around me loves to take any repair they can, and even went and towed one of my broke trucks from the dealer I bought it from and fixed it. Sounds like a wire harness issue?
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When I purchased my truck at the end November I had it for about thirty days and then the dealer had it for thirty days to try and diagnose a turbo problem and ended up replacing the turbo. I didnt get my truck back until the end of January and I was begining to wonder if I made the right choice buying this truck and now its got two injectors that are on there way out but I am going to replace them my self one weekend when I dont need the truck. I would stick with it and if you dont get the results you want from your dealer take it to a dealer that has a good reputaion for working on diesels. I am lucky because I know the owner of the dealer that I bought my truck from and I know the diesel tech that works on my truck.
I have seen this happen before. Turned out to be a cracked seal in the top of one injector from an incorrectly installed oil rail. It would build just enough injector control pressure not to start. Problem got worse when engine was hot due to thinning of the oil with heat.
Well, I picked up the truck last night and it seems to be fine now. They basically replaced all the lines and fittings on the high pressure oil system. Apparently, they'd use air to check for leaks, but the air pressure didn't equal the oil pressure, so it wouldn't show the leak until they got it all back together and tried to fire it up. We'll see if it truly is fixed in the next few days, but it certainly seems to be running better.
Spoke too soon. Truck died again tonight. Left a light, turbo spooled up, it broke traction for a second due to wet pavement, let off to gain traction and the engine died and would not fire. it's back in the shop again. Diesel tech told me they'd replace the injector pump and see if that helps. I'm starting to get pissed.
lemon law is what its starting to sound like, dont take it the wrong way but you brought a POS i think its 7 times for the same problem maybe less, are they at least giving you a loaner truck while yours is down