They Made Me Do It

Wicked D Max

I ask Questions
Jan 12, 2011
Hi. My name is Chris, I love long walks on the beach, moonlight dinners and poetry.

Just picked up a 08 Duramax, had Fords and Dodges before, getting ready to see just what the Duramax hype is about!!!!
It worse than what it's bragged up to be and EFI-live is for dummies! LOL Welcome!

Who is "they"?
They (Trucks) all have pros and cons. I loved my 7.3, and my cummins, so I had to try the last one out there. After this it'll be a 6.7 Cummins, then a 6.4 ford......One a year.

They = Whoever made that little note on my screen about posting in here first.

"They" is prolly that funny looking guy who runs the site!
Oh, and yes, EFI Live is junk. I'll be getting a Superchips or something from Banks for sure!!!!!!LOL