thinking of going from 71/74/13 to 66/74/13 both s300's what to expect


New member
Oct 16, 2008
the 71 had a billet turbine wheel. mildly ported head, helix 2, benched 180, ddp4's, dtt trans w/ tight converter. w/ the 71 nothing happens below 2k rpm. this is my daily driver/ fun truck and with the 71 the only time its fun is in the boost otherwise its a smoke sho and no go. thoughts... experience... input...
I currently have a 66/71/16. With a loose convertor and pump very similar to yours it starts to spool at 1800+ and is very drivable with a slight haze from some EDMs 5 X 0.016's. I had a 66/71/13 but wanted more top end for pulling. It was very fun to drive but had it's limits. I was surprised at how well the 16 cm housing did in comparison.

I would imagine that you would notice a favorable improvement with a lot less mass on the 66 wheel than 71. You should still be able to move plenty of air with that set up. The tight convertor may also be hurting you as well. Any consideration of going looser?

Wish I had an extra turbo around to swap, I'd like to try a 74 turbine wheel too. Who did your set up?
I think it would be the same considering the billet turbine wheel will spool faster.

I would sell it and get an E.D. S465 or S468.

NickTF ran the S468 on his daily driver and liked it alot. Plus its alot cheaper.
Thanks for the input. It was originally from bullseye. Part of the reason for the thought o change is there was a problem with the turbine wheel and now the builder at said he has easier access to the 66 wheel and I got to thinking this could be a good thing. If I had to buy another turbo my first choice would be either 465 or 468. I believe the converter is deffinately a hinderance and if I went back to the 71 a converter swap would really be mandatory. Also the way it was explained to me was that the billet wheel is sigifiicantly heavier than a non billet causing slower spool time... Thus more geared to sled pullers where the billet wheels inertia would keep the truck on top of the turbo with a heavy load. I guess my question boils down do is this the smart move? Possibly allowing me to keep the same converter, better spool, and minimal power loss? The member on here that previously had this turbo dynoed 659 I believe and our setups are very similiar.
A s465 won't spool til ~2100rpm and is harder to stay on top of than the S300s.
If it is a street truck stay with the S300.
IMHO a loose converter makes a moderate single much more fun to drive.
Even with my current 62mm charger from ED I like the stock stall converter I have. My gut feeling says a 71/73 (if it's an s300 it's a 73 turbine wheel not the 74/83 s400 turbine wheel) will spool just as fast if not faster than the 68/74 s400 I used to have. From what I gather the parts in the s300 charger are just flat out lighter. Now I don't know if that charger you have is some kind of hybrid creation so all that goes out the window if that's the case.

With you're head work and cam I'd think the 71mm charger is what I'd keep depending on what you want to do. To be honest the switch from the previous s468 to the current s362 isn't quite as drastic as I was thinking it would be. Definitely a difference but not what I would have expected.

If you plan to make lots of power keep the 71. When it comes to making power the tradeoff in driveability gained in the smaller charger is not offset by the difference in power potential between the chargers. And in your case I don't think you're going to see much difference at all as it sounds like the major differnece is the 71 to 66 compressor only.
thanks for the input! yes nick u are corect it is a 71/73 and yes all i would be changing is the 71 to 66. looks like a converter is in my future regardless. are my thoughts on the billet wheel correct?
thanks for the input! yes nick u are corect it is a 71/73 and yes all i would be changing is the 71 to 66. looks like a converter is in my future regardless. are my thoughts on the billet wheel correct?

Honestly i'm not certain. I thought the turbine wheels of the s300 were all inconel (spelling?) but i'm not sure. Ask the guys at ED, or Bullseye, or someone heavily involved with manufacturing and or swapping these parts/maching to make them work and make power for your answer. I've only personally heard of billet compressor wheels and non ETT at that.
I wonder if the 71mm wheel you have is a "billet" k31 wheel.
After rereading and thinking about it, I was confused with the titanium wheels that are available, making things lighter.
I wonder if the 71mm wheel you have is a "billet" k31 wheel.

i was told it was.
i have read of k31 stuff being delicate to nitrous. is this something i need to worry about if i go back with the 71 or what is the part that fails on the k31s. nitrous kit is nx 2 stage w/ progressive controller.
Neither the K31 or SB turbine like N20, too much drive pressure. Why not change the turbine wheel to the 71/80mm? If I remember correctly that charger has a 0.76AR turbine and a 50mm gate?
that is my setup... i googled w/o much luck on the 71/80... can u help me with a link? i did not know this was available...
thanks weston
You have the 73/80mm wheel(SB), the 71/80mm wheel(SPS) could be exchanged, it is much more suitable for use with N20. Depending on the power you are wanting to make, you could use a 64, 68, or 71mm compressor wheel.