this just in


red fuel runner
Jan 8, 2007
this just in! cali emissons puts the old dhra mod champions truck a head of the psychostroker by two feet huh.:badidea: :doh:
I bet thats not the issues, learning to drive it at first will be a task for Scott
house said:
I bet thats not the issues, learning to drive it at first will be a task for Scott

The catalytic converter and DPF really musta robbed some power off of that thing :doh:
Looks like he never got on top of the Chargers.
Oh he got on top of em just barely, then off, then on top, then off, then on top.... A true testament to WPE's modified twins. Most other mod trucks probably wouldn't do to well pulling at <3500 rpm.

Granted driving that truck woulda puckered my cheeks up nice and tight, but anyone who was there and thinks they saw east coast modified pullin truck is still dreaming. "You mean it revs another 3000 rpm?!" :what:

Give it hell Scott!
I think anybody who was there also knows that the track and sled set up weren't very forgving to ANYBODY.

It was a great first effort and as always, a blast to watch. Welcome back to the saddle, Scott.
Any truck that can pull a sled that far, while off the throttle 50% of the time, is a BAD machine.

I bet that thing will take some time to figure out...

Give her some throttle and get up on top of those chargers when you let out on the clutch. I know that trucks turns alot more RPMs then that. I've seen it in action before.

Scott just needs a little seat time,,,, it's ok you might be able to take a pulling truck out of the east but you cant take the east out of a pulling truck :hehe:
I think Scott did a decent job on his first pull with the new beast. And as it was stated he pulled the sled pretty far for being @ 50% throttle.:evil

Scott well done!:clap: Now lets bring them r's up:woohoo: :evil :ft:
Do ya reckon the truck KNEW it only needed 50% power to handle thet Ferd?

You would almost swear he was TRYING to make it bounce like his old truck. No idea why it didn't get under the turbo.

Nice job, next one, you'll get it.