Those with aftermarket fuel pumps....

6L strokin

New member
Jun 9, 2008
airdog, fass, etc.....

especially if you live up north....or anywhere else its freezing arse cold at! MAKE sure that if you leave your rig parked outside to go pickup either some anti-gel formula additive or maybe even some powerservice diesel 911!!! i as well as Several others have had issues past coulple days with these freezing temps with the performance of my fuel pump! it was humming very loudly which is normally really quiet, and the fuel pressure was not hardly anything at all....reason is the fuel was thick from the cold and it could be causing some ice formulation inside the filter(s) making it hard to pass through the fine filters they have on them. i ended up going to the store and buying a 80oz bottle of diesel 911, went ahead and poured half of it in my tank till i got back home and i was going to fill up the filters with it as the tank i got back home however it thinned out the fuel and pressure was fine! so i recommed you all going out to get some in case this happens!
Yeah I cant go up hills right now. I My truck stalls out but on flat ground I'm good. I just fille dup with some diesle and threw my addative in there. I need to get some diesel 911 however.
ya i filled up my tank on wed. so it was almost totally full...added that 911 and ran it about 20-30 mins and it was good again!
Yeah there is a tractor supply by me but I cant make i tup the hill to get it! I gotta get home without stalling and then hop in the back up and get some additive.
this is funny, but really not, i had to idle all the way home. bahaha luckly the TQ convertor lets me do 45 with out hittin the pedal. so you can add 911 in your tank then huh? i was assuming it was only the filter.
yeap, i dumped bout 40 oz straight in the tank and wtih the aftermarket pumps returning fuel so quick to the tank i guess it adgetates it good enough to thaw it out...says on the bottle to add to the tank and the filters....
Ouch, thankfully it hasn't gotten too cold here again like a few weeks prior. The injectors must hate that i take it, basically just starving for fuel while its all gelled up?
Jeezzzus guys.....we up North have to add conditioner all year round....(Just Kiddn') Last time I drove my truck it was -40*C outside...I got the entire front totally covered in, just to keep the engine warm for in-town driving. (No-load)
Anyone with a diesel should add anti-gel when its this cold, thats common sense. Not just people with aux. fuel systems...
up in the arctic of canada we use p50 diesel fuel in the winter. it gets down to -50 C here and i dont have any problems with this fuel. w use p40 in the summer.