Thoughts on Banks IQ for gauges and towing


Apr 6, 2010
What r some thoughts on the Banks IQ for gauges and towing, I have an 05 and am looking for 400 flywheel hp and good monitoring of vehicle functions. I haven't bought anything yet just looking for some reviews or feed back. Thanks, Ben
I have run banks on my work truck for years have right at 500.000 on it and banks on most of it . Sure i do take off and try other tuners but the others smoke to much for what i do. I had gauges and the pda and now the iq and data between regular gauges and iq or pda was right on. Right now i am using efi tunning from zack fuller at starlite diesel
I like has performed flawlessly for over 2 years. IQ The PDA was just to touchy and failed in extreme heat and cold.
Thanks, I've never been a real fan of the banks stuff but their IQ seems like one of the nicer displays available. Im mostly wondering about its reliability.