Thoughts on bw 362 non gated?


Just another white guy
Nov 12, 2010
Any reason to shell out the extra cash for the gated housing or would I be fine without the w/g pushing the fuel I have now? Anyone ran one of these turbos? Experiences welcome...

Turbo specs 62/68/.83 t4 housing

Would be using a t3/t4 adapter unless I could find a decent used manifold

Truck it would be going on,
01 qclb 5 speed
Dap 150's
Edge comp
Supporting mods

The single gate passage on the .83 T4 gated is quite small (22mm). I have a friend running that turbo in compounds and he was having some problems driving his primary hard enough. It seems he has solved those now with some additional tuning of wastegate springs.

If he were to do it again, I think he would do the .83 T4 nongated housing and run an e gate

On a VP truck I wouldn't worry about the non gated unless you were running spray, that turbine and housing flow quite well

Extremal gate will be alot cheaper.
.83 gated is about $200 more. The T3 gated housing are substantially more.
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Thanks for the info... Just using it as a single with no real big hp goal in mind, In fact I could truly care less what numbers it puts down... It just needs to feel good when goofing around yet still spool decent for when towing

Any experience with spooling? Just a rough estimate of when this thing starts seeing boost, and when at full boogie...

Just don't want a lag pig

I've got 10lbs by 1750-1800rpms. You shouldn't be too far behind that. I tow all the time(3-5 days a week) and its wonderful.