Time for a cam sale!


diesel tech
Mar 24, 2008
Hey Zach How about a Presidents day sale?! I would love one of those 188 cams with a set of push rods!
On a side note I drive a 100 miles a day if you need a cam tester in CA let me know! Hoping to get better than 20mpg with the SSR is a dream right now!
This month we are giving away a new cylinder head instead. Sorry about that. We will have some of the 188-220 cams in stock on about the 24th
haha, I know it. I will make them hurry

Go to hamilton cams facebook page for details.

Big nasty, it will be a while for the CR head
I received a cam today that has Mean!!! Engraved into the end. Started laughing and almost dropped the darn thing.
Thanks Zach.

That is a NASTY son of a gun in terms of velocity. Still drives smooth as silk on the road though, but your valvetrain will get a workout.