Time for a new vp??


Too much fuel
Aug 9, 2011
My truck is giving me the following codes...

P0121 TPS pedal position sensor A

P0602 Control module programming error

P0336 Crankshaft position sensor A

Do I replace the sensors or should I plan on digging deeper.
R those codes from your smarty? And is the truck running rough at all
Codes are through my code reader. Not a programmer. runs fine, occasionally won't start when hot and will dead pedal
I know these trucks are super picky about batteries. Mine are 4 years old and won't start when it's completely cold. I guess I could replace the sensors it says and maybe the batteries and hope for the best
Definitely figure out cause of codes first. May be a ground or TPS. Crank sensor usually causes long crank/hard start issue.
I had to replace both the crank sensor and TPS on my 99 within the past 6 months. With the crank sensor, the truck would run fine except every now and then when I would turn it off and go to crank it again it would just sit there and spin but never fire. Usually after a few tries it would finally start. With the TPS, the truck would start fine but would occasionally give me the dead pedal for a few seconds and then return to normal. Both cases scared me to death because as 24V owners our initial reaction is always "Great, there goes my vp". In the case of the crank sensor, I got a code but no check engine light. With the TPS, in the beginning I just got the dead pedal once in a two week span and then twice in one week. Finally after three weeks all hell broke loose, I got a check engine light, and barely limped it home. Hope this helps.
Dead pedal & no start when hot/heat soaked can be an indicator of the VP. Go through the diagnostics on Mopar man's page I posted above. It will make things clearer.
I was having hot dead pedal, aspecially after visiting the local tavern for a couple. Tried the TIMBO. Worked for a week. Got a used HO pump cheap & it fixed it all. BUT, all I got for a code was P0216. Dive in & diagnose, instead of throwing money at it. Well, the TIMBO is a worthwhile investment, as it should have come factory.
