Timing Question


I can't remember
Jan 31, 2007
Just finished up the build. Driving the truck around now and things are fine. It is weak though. I haven't played with the AFC at all yet. My question is this: I installed the pump at the timing it was set on the engine I removed it from. According to the cummins tag on the timing cover, it is 14 degrees. On stock fuel, stock injectors, etc... will moving the timing up to say 18 degrees make the difference I expect it to?

Thanks in advance.

So you pinned the pump and set the engine to TDC when you put the gear on?

I would go to the 18-19 area and get the fueling(afc) setup correcty. The afc ajustments can make a huge difference.
Yes. I just didn't have the pump benched and reset since I knew it was a good pump and could change timing later. Wanted to make sure the lack of power was due to the low timing number, and not something I missed. Fuel is supplied form an AirDog Raptor 150.
Stock pump and stock injectors aren't going to be all that powerful. I've bumped my timing around a fair bit, but I've never really felt a strong kick in the pants like you do from a set of DV's or injectors. I guess it depends how much you are expecting to know if it is going to meet your expectations.