timing question


Wrench turner
Sep 6, 2010
I know this has probably been asked before but I can't find it. I just switched to a 6.7 crank in my 2.6 cummins and was wondering just a ball park of what timing I should run? Please no bashing I'm trying to learn. Thank you
I think you're going to have to provide some details of your engine build in order to receive a good starting point answer.
In order to get an answer on that your going need to fill in a few more blanks. What Pistons? Were the pistons machined? Injector spray angle? This will tell you how far you can go and stay in the bowl. After you know that then you will need to fill in more blanks to make an educated guess on timing. If someone put the engine together for you I would consult them first.
Sorry about that I'm running machined pistons and my engine builder got back to me he said 34 degrees and I'm running 5x22 dual feed injectors I can't remember what the spray pattern is there a mahle cast piston. Thanks