Timing Rattle noise?????


New member
Dec 16, 2007
Hey guys, im borrowing a friends smarty for a week or so to see how i like it stacked with my edge Drag Comp box and my 7x0.011 (150) injectors.

I set Smarty on SW#8 and adjusted the torque management to 6 which is highest setting, meaning very little torque management is applied to engine. Both injection timing and injection duration were left at 0 for default

Anyway, below turbo when i step into it the normal click of injection pump sounds almost like it doubles its speed and makes a different sound, almost a very fast click, possibly timing rattle. What i DONT understand is how i have Smarty on no timing added software setting and only torque management basically removed. When i turn edge off the noise goes away.

Any ideas guys?