Tip: Clearcoating wood with automotive clears


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Apr 22, 2006
Automotive clears work fine on wood but a common mistake for the novice is applying the clear like they would on a vehicle meaning first coat, letting it flash then applying a second coat, then......

The trick here is apply one medium wet coat and walk away for at least a 1/2 hour. This medium wet coat will soak in and act as sealer to build a foundation on. If you hammer the first coat and/or apply multiple coats as you would on a vehicle you trap solvents that will continue to soak in causing "shrinkage" over time especially once the coating sees outdoor UV light.

By applying one single coat and walking away this first coat soaks into the wood and seals the pores as it flashes off. Once the pores have been sealed from the this first coat no more soaking in will occur.