Tire Size VS RPM for towing.


Jan 22, 2007
If any of you are like me and 5th gear is too low and 6th gear is too tall while loaded to run the speed limit, here is a chart that can show how RPM's will be affected with a simple tire size change. I want to run 70 at 2200 rpm. Right now, at 70 in 6th I'm at 2000....too low to spool quick on long hills with #10,000 plus on a trailer. Anyway, yap yap yap. Here it is.

Tire size shown are from BF Mud Terrains since they showed data for all sizes
Gear ratio's shown are 5th and 6th for an NV5600 (dodge 6speed manual)

If the chart is too small to read, hold down the <ctrl> key and hit <+> a few times.

If anyone wants a copy of the .xls spreadsheet, PM me an email. I set it up so you can enter the data at the top and the chart updates.