TNT -> SSR -> TNT: can this happen yet?


Active member
Aug 10, 2006
I read a whle back that once you load the ssr on a truck, going back to the tnt software isn't possible due to base chrysler difference in the ssr being too new.
What does this mean? I have a buddy who has a 05 that had the regular smarty tunes on it, then he added the TNT tunes and didn't see much of a difference... Could be that he is a stock trans auto too
This is true on my 05. I have a tntr and if I try to reload it does not work at all it won't load any program. The new dodge ecm software that the ssr loads to the ECM won't accept the old tntr.
I read a whle back that once you load the ssr on a truck, going back to the tnt software isn't possible due to base chrysler difference in the ssr being too new.

That's true with the TNT/R but I do not know about the TNT.

Can you still down load a Bullydog and then go back to any Smarty tune? I know back a year or 2 ago this is what people did to go back to beta tunes after using a current smarty tune. Not that I care or want to go back, just throwing this out.
Yes that is another way around the Chrysler flash issue.

so normal revo and/or tnt tunes can not be written after the ssr has as well?

my intentions is to see how well this ssr works on other trucks, don't need to screw up others ecm's :)
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You can go back to any other tune on the MADS website, either Revo or TNT non R
You can go back to any other tune on the MADS website, either Revo or TNT non R

this! the software on the MADS site is always the latest rev :cool:

but the TNT-R and betas are older revs and won't recognize the latest factory flash... hence the "unknown software" errors
gotchya. so long as it's not a tnt r tune the owner wishes to go back too after trying out the ssr.

I'm assuming they should be returning to the latest tune available on the mads site as well?
Honestly, unless they just want to go back to the high rpm R tune, I see no reason to go backwards. The newer tnt files run better/cleaner than the old stuff even on my early trucks
I went from SSR back to TNT and didn't have any issues (this was only for a few weeks while the SSR was being tested on another shop truck).

SSR is back on it now :ford:
I went from SSR back to TNT and didn't have any issues (this was only for a few weeks while the SSR was being tested on another shop truck).

SSR is back on it now :ford:

TNT does not = TNTR

If you had an early truck that Chrysler hasn't released an updated flash for since TNTR was developed, then you can go back and forth