Torque specs AND sequence for ARP's

Santa Gertrudis

Dec 12, 2006
Ive heard and read so many different things about the torque sequence. What is the BEST way? Thanks!
True that, i heard anywhere from 245-325 .My 03 is at 250, i retroqed my 05 to 280 [it had strated to puke agine]
I didnt tow heavy since, so i dodnt know if it helped.
JUST be sure to do it right the first time. Going in the second time sucks even worse. I was told 240 - the second time !!
here is all that's in the box of ARP studs:

What does that mean Doug?

My ARPs didnt come with instructions which is why Im asking. What are the "3 equal steps" that people are using?
What does that mean Doug?

My ARPs didnt come with instructions which is why Im asking. What are the "3 equal steps" that people are using?

TQ them in sequence to 80 ft/lbs, then 160ft/lbs, then finish at 245 ft/lbs..

do you have a diagram that shows you what each bolt position is numbered? that'll come from Ford, not ARP..

here's what i understand from the 06 shop manual..
you have 10 bolts in each is the layout for the cylinder head bolts, looking at the head from the fender...starting on the top row, on the upper left corner bolt, you have 10,6,1,3,7...bottom row from the left is 8,4,2,5,9...get them all snug...tighten bolt #1(middle of top row) to 80 ft/lbs, then bolt #2 to 80ft/lbs and so on...once you get all of them to 80, start over at #1 and TQ to 160 and proceed in numerical order as before..once they're all to 160, start at bolt 1 again and TQ to 245 ft/lbs..

the goal is to start TQ'ing in the middle and work your way out to both sides to pull the head/gasket flat against the block..
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Thats just what I put up top. Thats the number of the bolt. Tighten them in that sequence.
here is all that's in the box of ARP studs:


That's interesting that they'd say use the moly lube over SAE's recommendation of 10 wt motor oil for consistencies sake. I'm really surprised actually.
The moly lube they supply doesn't really like the 245ft lbs. After some experimentation, we tried the Ford anti-sieze and it works well. No creaking as you come to 245.
I like bacon Grease Colin. LOL I can tell you what one sounds like when it breaks at about 244 ft lbs. :doh:
is the 245ftlbs enough? does any one recommend going back in and retorquing or if you do it right the first time is it ok? i did a install at work and now im reading more about them coming loose. i also had chatter on the 245 pull but arp didnt say any thing about chatter problems with the moly lube.