TOTL Diesel Motorsports Organization Talk Thread

Mike D

Ctrl - Alt - Diesel
Feb 14, 2007


The simple truth IMHO is things didn't change much from previous years; as a matter of fact they went down. NADM will make it or not it’s all up to how things continue. What I do care about is Diesel Drag Racing and that is just why we attended most all the events both the ones by NADM, DHRA, Outlaw and NHRDA. NHRDA events were the fewest we went too. If you didn’t hear any complaints all season then you were not listening very much to the racers. Look, things need to get better, the local turn out was very bad. From a sponsorship side of things there were very few people in the stands during the events and that’s what counts. The things that were going on behind the scenes were/are very really and they need to stop.

Maybe you need to attend Scheids and see how any of the events that NADM did stack up. That should be your goal, do as good as the Scheid event does for turn out both of the racers and fans in the stands! Now whether or not you think I want NADM to succeed really isn’t part of any of this and just for the record it would be nice to see it around and going strong in the future.

man, that is just not fair to say. Scheid started their event in Muncie years ago... over 10 to 15 if I'm not mistaken. They've had all those years to build a following and like has been mentioned, was mostly sled pulling.

The TS event has been around what, 7 yrs with the chance to do the same thing Scheid has.

Sanctioned organized events have had their trouble from get go. They require membership and to make as many events as possible to stay in the points running. Both those other events are outlaw and only need admission fees.

DHRA screwed things up and NADM took what they thought to be a better way of running things and went with it. Last year was their first year going at it and IMO, they did a hellofa job with what they had.

Give'um a few more to get it all figured out and you may be surprised.
NADM ya'll are doing a darn fine job. Keep up the good work.

I'll be sure to ***** and moan to you over the telephone or face to face if I'm not kept happy every time I decide to drive my happy ass down the highway to one of NADM's events. Just letting you know...:hehe:
All the organizations are doing all they can to make a show & unify diesel motorsports. From what I can tell is we need more people getting out there & doing it. They need more to work with. You guys get out there & build some more rigs & get them to the track.
i agree with ya john. i think more people that say they are going to race need to rather than yell how fast they are on the computer. they also need to have more than just 1 race in california. yeah i know its california but we have the most population in one state and you would be surprised how many diesels are really here. i mean look at NADMs event in bakersfield, it was a hell of a turnout. banks, the big boys and full stands.
i mean look at NADMs event in bakersfield, it was a hell of a turnout. banks, the big boys and full stands.

Wrong! I have it under good authority that the stands were near empty and everyone complained. :hehe: It's true I tell ya!