TPS bracket ?'s


VP44 pwr
Aug 23, 2008
I remember reading that there might be two different brackets. The one I have now is a cummins 3925380 and it does not work. Does anyone know the part number if there is another bracket?
Jeff says that they don't make the automatic throttle bracket anymore so this is why I am wondering if there is a tps bracket that will fit the manual throttle bracket.
I made a bastardized version of one with some copper tubing and bolts. I'm currently trying to get the proper parts though.
ive parted 15 or so 12v's and never knew there was a difference in the autos or manuals in the tps bracket. from what i have seen there is the difference in the years. 94-95 i think may just be 94 has the aluminum bracket that bolts to the throttle linkage. 96-98 there is two pieces that hold the tps bloac thicker than the aluminum one and the inner is on all pumps auto and manual. it holds the rotating assymbly of the linkage. post up a pic of what you have.
So you say there is a two piece tps bracket? The one we have is one aluminum piece. Does anyone have pictures of there tps setup or two piece bracket?
I should have my no-to-badly-bastardized 24V throttle bracket pictures up when i get it finished tomorrow. Should be pretty easy to make work with very little fabrication and extra parts.
looked at the four i have at the house 94 auto 96 stick and 97 auto and 97 stick and i can tell there is 4 diff assy the 94 modle has two ( 1 auto one stick) and 95 up has two but only one piece is different on them per years. auto will work on the sick but the stick to the auto needs a new arm for the kick down cable. and the tps bracket is totally different 94 then the 95-98. but the 97 stick 215 i have has the auto setup on it. and the auto setup has a about 3/4 longer linkage rod.