trading tcucks???


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Im a long time fan of the superdutys, but after my last one I decided to try on a dodge... not very cool, except the motor. my biggest gripe with my last powerstroke (2000 w/ intake and exhaust) was it wouldnt start when cold, 30-40 degrees or below (dealer checked glow plugs and relays they were fine?) and it got crappy mileage 16 at best and 10-12 pulling 5-6000 pounds. does this sound right or was I having problems?

Ive got to get another superduty and was thinking of starting with a DP tuner, intake and exhaust. and shortly trans upgrades
and if that dosent work out it will see a built cummins.
I dont race or sled pull, but it has to start in the winter(with out a can of either) and needs to get decent mileage. also how do you tell of it has PMR rods? any advice? Thanks in advance
I would say you had some problems there.. a friend of mine has a 01 73, and he gets awesome mileage. And start allways. We go sleding in the mountains, so it is imperative to have a truck that will start even down to -40 without being plugged in. You never know what might happen over a weekend. I have never seen his truck fail.

Too bad you dont like the dodge, I dont understand personally, as I think that the dodge is one of the better built trucks on the road, but it is allways possible that you could have a lemon

theres nothing wrong with the dodge, I simply prefer the superduty, its all in ones opinion, the only reason I bought the truck was for the cummins, and now I wish I had my ford back, I love the cummins but the rest of the truck dosent compare to the Ford, mabey Im bias toward the first truck I had?
by the way morkable what tuner does your freind run? I assume tuners can add MPG
He dosent run a tuner, he has a chip,, if I can remember correctly it is a superchip??? I cant be 100% sure..


and your right, it is all in ones perception. I bought a chevy, just to try something else (like you) and now am kicking myself, wish I would have bought a dodge.
Im only 19 so I cant speak from too much experience but Ive had a '00 F150 that I always had problems w/ Now I have a '05 F250. Both mine were used of course but now Im havin my FICM replaced for $1200 w/ parts and labor. The problems I was having was having it start in the morning at about60 degrees outside. Im seriously debating lookin for dodge over the summer or for sure gettin one once im out of college. My dad has had 2 dodges a '96 and '06 and has had little minor problems or none. He loves dodges plus they're faster I hear. Just my $.02 but well see how my truck does between now and then. I was raised a Ford tough man and it will be hard to move on.
theres nothing wrong with the dodge, I simply prefer the superduty, its all in ones opinion, the only reason I bought the truck was for the cummins, and now I wish I had my ford back, I love the cummins but the rest of the truck dosent compare to the Ford, mabey Im bias toward the first truck I had?
by the way morkable what tuner does your freind run? I assume tuners can add MPG

DP Tuner is a very good company to work with and has very good tuning on their chips. If you talk to Jody on the phone and explain to him just what you are wanting to do he will be more than willing to set you up with a chip that gets you good fuel mileage. $.02
He dosent run a tuner, he has a chip,, if I can remember correctly it is a superchip??? I cant be 100% sure..


and your right, it is all in ones perception. I bought a chevy, just to try something else (like you) and now am kicking myself, wish I would have bought a dodge.

Superchip is a tuner. Dp tuner is a chip.
Superchip is a tuner. Dp tuner is a chip.

Could be running the Non-Tuner style Gold Chip....I run those in our OBS 7.3s and my old '99.. I was actually contemplating getting one of mine burned to fit my '03.. Instead of my Edge Evo II
Im a long time fan of the superdutys, but after my last one I decided to try on a dodge... not very cool, except the motor. my biggest gripe with my last powerstroke (2000 w/ intake and exhaust) was it wouldnt start when cold, 30-40 degrees or below (dealer checked glow plugs and relays they were fine?) and it got crappy mileage 16 at best and 10-12 pulling 5-6000 pounds. does this sound right or was I having problems?

Ive got to get another superduty and was thinking of starting with a DP tuner, intake and exhaust. and shortly trans upgrades
and if that dosent work out it will see a built cummins.
I dont race or sled pull, but it has to start in the winter(with out a can of either) and needs to get decent mileage. also how do you tell of it has PMR rods? any advice? Thanks in advance

You were having issues, I have run two 7.3 a 99 and a 02 and never had starting issues in cold temps up to -20 f. They did get a little frustrated at starting but always fired. I did have a relay go out on the 02 it was hard starting at 20 f but after replacing relay no issues.

I can relate on the dodge and going back to a superduty they are just a little more comfortable and better creature comforts.