Tranny Cooler


New member
Nov 27, 2007
Has anyone modified and done away with the cooler on the side of the block? If so what did you do and are you having trouble with the tranny temps? Thanks in advance.
wally5096 said:
Has anyone modified and done away with the cooler on the side of the block? If so what did you do and are you having trouble with the tranny temps? Thanks in advance.

That really isn't a cooler, it is more of a preheater. Granted if your tranny is pushing 200, and the engine is at 190 then it will cool. I have seen circumstances where my tranny was hotter than the coolant in the engine and it was putting heat back into the engine. If you could get your engine to run at say 150 then it would probably be a very good cooler.
Yeah that ones there to warm the fluid when its real cold and cool it if your tranny is seeing high temps above 190 motor temps. But i plan on removing mine to run Twins and replacing it with a small electric fan cooler under the cab hooked up to a switch.
mine is gone, temps are fine in the trans, and warm up fine. motor runs cooler now though.
it is a pre heater and a cooler in one, like everyone has said it help heat up tranny fluid to a point then it helps cool and it does work, if you remove it it will make you run hotter trans temp especially in town, but on a open road you don't notice the difference much. Most relocate it to up in the front bumper or else where, I have mine wrapped in header tape for now and is sits in the stock place, I just removed the plate it sets on so my twin's would fit where I wanted them to, and the header tape helps me out alot with out it the exhaust heat makes my trans fluid heat up to much.

Now as to if you race or have a tight converter do not remove it completely no matter what is said, because it cools more then most think unless your coolant temp stay high for so odd reason. It normally heats to 180 190 then themastat opens and cools back down to 150 or so, which then in return absorbes heat from the trans fluid and cools it. Also then your standard cooler in the front is able to keep up better.
i agree with KingS. on my ford i removed the lines from the radiator and it always ran hotter in the city. water to water is much more efficient. besides the size of the radiator does not comapre to any tranny cooler.
I posted this on another post, but I'll post it here too.
You should leave the heat exchanger there, it does keep the temps down. When I talked to Dave at Goerend's I had asked about deleting it for twins. He said about running a big trans cooler with a fan in conjunction with the one up front would be fine. He recommeded going with a Proweld setup. All that consists of is a B&M hi-tech cooler w/fan and a fancy mount to go by the trans. As far as the heat exchanger building heat to help warm fluid, the torque convertor is going to warm it quicker than exchanger. If you dont have to delete it for twins, I'd leave it there