Tranny Temp?

Tranny temps generally run about what your engine temps run.
Anything below 180 is great. If it gets close to 200 start checking your cooler, cooler lines and filter to make sure they're clean. If they are check the pan for clutch material. You can also add another cooler or one from a 03-07 6.0L.
Like Brad knows anything about a tranny. LOL LOL Just kidding buddy. Thanks for the input. Mine is usually 100 degrees over ambient temp.
so i guess when my gauge pegged past 250 i had a major problem. i flushed the trans and it drove and shifted fine until i hooked it to the mowing trailer today. it started slipping pretty bad.
Ouch, yeah anything over 200 degrees and you've probably got problems, no matter what your pulling. Check your cooler lines.
I would say check the sending unit on your gauge but the slipping rules that out. You can get an additive called Trans Smart. It will get you by for a couple weeks if the trans isn't hurt to bad. Let me know if I can help ya, we have great prices on rebuild kits. My direct number is 662-224-9335.
Find out what all is hurt and I'll see if I can help ya out.
I got mine to about 340 pushing snow and thats no lie. needless to say didnt make home that day. stupid snow.