trans question


New member
Sep 13, 2006
how hard is it to run a 05 48re in a 96 pickup with a auto witch is a 47re?
No expert here but I would say at the very least you'll need a stand alone trans controller. I think Suncoast sells one. Other than that I would think you'll be OK..ROB
I believe some of the shift linkage is different, and you will have issues if it has the electronic TV.

The 47 and 48 are almost identical, but the few minor details that are different will screw ya if you don't look out.

When built, a 47 is very good. There are a few addvantages to having a 48, but not enough to justify the headaches your looking at.
there isn't much different between the 47 and 48 valvebody, if you take your linkage off for tv and place on 48 it will work..... now the rest of the trans is a different story, there is more electronics and they are different, sell the 48 to someone and buy 2 47re's!