Transfer case grinding!!!


New member
Nov 4, 2007
I need some help please! while riding down the interstate, my trans temp went sky high so i pulled over let it sit for 30 mins then went on my way until it got hot again in about 20 miles of interstate driving. i later realised that my transfer case was grinding, it sounded like there was dirt inside the housing. could the transfer case have any effect on the trans temp?? does anyone know what could be my problem? is the tranny gone, or just the transfer case? i'm pretty sure its the transfer case, and i think i will have to replace it. man does it suck to be me or what???
I would have to say good chance on the pump rub. The pump retaining clip can break, rub a hole in the case and slowly leak all the fluid out. Usually in about 20k miles, so slow you pay no attention.

Pull the top plug if no fluid, pull the bottom one, probably will have little to no fluid and alot of metal.
yeah well you guys definately hit the nail on the head. that is exactly what happend when i took it to get looked at, but the main problem i'm having now is my transmission or torque converter. i'm really not sure what the problem is but i know that i'm lacking serious power on bottom end and the fluid was full of metal when i changed it yesterday. i just hauled it back to jackson, ga all the way from tifton, ga so i can get jeff garmon to take a look at it next week. i'm hoping to get jeff to hook me up with a stage 3 upgraded tranny!