Transmission pans?


Aug 1, 2006
What is the difference/benefits of the multitude of tranmission pans?
Are the "diesel" pans worth the diesel price?
Why not use a 727 pan that isn't black and has a diesel stamp on it for half the price? Are they thicker to add rigidity?
Does the pan really add some needed rigidity?

Just curious. I am looking for a deep pan for my 94 and the difference in price makes me wonder if there is something magic with these pans. Or if I really need one. I kind of like the welded aluminum pans but they don't seem to have much use in the diesel market.

Thanks for the replies.
I was thinking this too, why not a regular 727 pan. I would look in to this more if not for my hook up thought.
Not to pull the conversation off subject, but do you have a website or more information on your 97?

That is one sweet conversion. I have only seen 1 other, and it was a green truck in Moscow, Id about 2 years ago. He had 2 normal Dodge front doors, where it looks like you may have a chevy rear door?
We recently picked up a new line or Transmission pans by Derale, check out the 47re/727 etc pan here: Dodge Pan
They have a neat concept and don't have the "diesel pan price", check em out!
Thanks for the replies. I am still looking and haven't made up my mind on one yet.
I believe the price for the "diesel" pan is due to the depth. Since the stock diesel pan would basically be a deep pan for a factory 727, the deep 727 pan is pretty much a standard 47re pan. Correct me if I am wrong here but this is what I gather.
I am considering a derale pan because the truck will be a street driven and drag racer.
I just got a mag hytech for the 12v and its great,keeps oil cool for sure.I got the dd one so it hold like 9 quarts