trouble shooting


New member
Aug 7, 2010
Hello ppl I have a 97 F350 w/7.3 powerstroke it hates cold weather starting and changed glow plug relay but didn't change cold starts. Once warm its fine. However the problem i am having is that the engine light will come on and acts like im losing a couple clyinders. checked connectors at valve cover and one of them was oil soaked in the connection. Hope that is problem. Voltage meter will jump when light comes on. For a while it did it twice after start up then would run fine now its hit or miss more hit now . just trying to narrow down problem before changing everything.
found the problem

inside valve cover electrical harness was melted and fried. An easy key to look for on this problem is if injector connectors have any sign of oil inside, change valve cover gaskets if so. thank you for any help solved finding problem.