truck acting up on start up


New member
Dec 16, 2007
Hey guys, it seems like my truck is wanting to try to start nickel and diming me. I had Chris Snyder do a head gasket and some head work last week, which he did an awesome job with. Anyway, yesterday i went to go eat lunch and when i came back out about 40 or 45 min later and got in my truck to start it, it started like normal, within about 1 or 2 cranks, however when it fired it didnt ramp the RPM up like usual and it idled kinda low and "rough" (could just be from the low RPM) but anyway, it died and i restarted it and it stared like normal.

Did the same thing again last night after about a 15 min shut down. Seems like it only does it after a full warm up of engine and a short shut down time. Wont do it if i shut down and start right back up, wont do it if it sits over night.

Any ideas guys?
Talk to Chris, seems like he's a good tech. A hot-hard start can be a fauly VP44, ecm, etc. I have only had one I couldn't figure out. The customer has been very cool about it and let's me know when it starts acting up. I put an ecm on it the other day and it seems to be good now.

The running rough sounds more like air in the fuel, fuel drain-back, etc though........
id assume so, it also acted up last night after sitting outside for 7 hours. got home and popped hood and smelled raw fuel, didnt have time to really check but i def smelled raw fuel

ok well i found cyl 5 was seeping fuel...tightened it and went out and drove it, had another truck try and toy with me so i turned up the comp to 5x5 and let him have it in 3rd and 4th or something, truck stalled after that, sucked the fricken lines would have caused that to happen? cracked 1,3,4 and it started

ok well i found cyl 5 was seeping fuel...tightened it and went out and drove it, had another truck try and toy with me so i turned up the comp to 5x5 and let him have it in 3rd and 4th or something, truck stalled after that, sucked the fricken lines would have caused that to happen? cracked 1,3,4 and it started

Injection pump can't keep up with your injectors. Pretty common on VP trucks, when you let off the skinny pedal, ease off of it. Your hard start could be the leaking line or possibly a weak VP
Just talked to Zach. fuel filter hasnt been changed on the FASS since 09. Told him to start there.
yeah...i told chris i read somewhere those things could go a long time before being changed......apparently not hah, im gonna get some filters tomorrow