Truck Broken Into At Holiday Inn World Finals


New member
May 16, 2009
Just wanted to see if anyone had any information on who broke into one of our trucks in the Holiday Inn parking lot. 2001 F350 Dually and they smashed out the driver window and stole CD/DVD player and camera. With all of the other trucks in that parking lot, it seems very wierd to single out a 2001 F350 that looks like a plain truck. Anyone else have any problems Saturday night with their trucks in the parking lot? Please let us know if anyone saw or heard anything about it. $150 store credit for the items returned safely. Thanks for your guys help.
That sucks! Were y'all in the front or back lot? I thought I heard the chick at the front desk saying they had cameras on the back lot to the person that checked in before us
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Back lot on the far side. One window was facing the woods and the driver side was facing the parking lot. They smashed the driver window out. Yes it was John's truck. Just looking to see if anyone heard or saw anything.
Nope sorry we didn't see anything. We didn't have any problems, but we found spots close to the building.
I was helping another racer get home, so I had his trailer and couldn't park close to the building. The head unit they took is useless without the hideaway unit that is still in the truck. I'm offering cash for the return of the unit, no questions asked. I just don't want to buy another one. If someone saw something I will still give a reward, and get the pleasure of taking out my aggression on the person responsible.
I'm willing to bet it's not anybody on here, but maybe somebody saw something that will help.
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I was helping another racer get home, so I had his trailer and couldn't park close to the building. The head unit they took is useless without the hideaway unit that is still in the truck. I'm offering cash for the return of the unit, no questions asked. I just don't want to buy another one. If someone saw something I will still give a reward, and get the pleasure of taking out my aggression on the person responsible.
I'm willing to bet it's not anybody on here, but maybe somebody saw something that will help.

It really sucks that people sink to those levels John:soap:...hope you get it back
Dang....There were plenty of flashy trucks around to break into....I didn't have any problems, but was only a couple rows from the building...didn't see anything either. Sorry to hear man...I know the feeling and it sucks!
I made sure to park on the front row so no one would jack my rims. You hope things like that never happen, but I guess you never know.
Is Topeka really that ghetto? I can't say I've ever been there to see what the surrounding neighborhoods look like.

Theft can happen anywhere, but Kansas? Isn't that like flat farm country?
Idk. Me and my wife went looking for a restaurant Friday night and ended up in some shady places...
Sorry to hear that man we were lucky enough to be close to the building. Not many things worse than having some scum bag steal the stuff you work hard for...
Sorry to hear that! I parked almost back where you were. What time did you park it at night? I thought I recalled seeing your truck when I was looking for a parking spot about 8:20 pm, didn't notice anything unusual. I left just before 5:00 am, but didn't drive past that part of the lot. However, there were about 3 or 4 younger people in the lot on foot, I remember thinking to myself that they might be casing the place. I saw 2 guys and a girl, all darker complexion and hair (possibly Hispanic), and I think there was one more guy as well by the voices. Crap, wish I had gotten a better look at them. This was in the back of the building, away from the side street, and probably 3 rows away from the back of the building. I wonder if they ever walked within view of the security cameras?
Is Topeka really that ghetto? I can't say I've ever been there to see what the surrounding neighborhoods look like.

Theft can happen anywhere, but Kansas? Isn't that like flat farm country?

Sunday before we left, I was talking to some guys heading to HRP for Drag Week. A couple of their buddys's cars had the wheels and tires stolen right off of them while they were still on the trailer. The thieves stole the tie downs and left the cars on 2 blocks of wood each. Yes, I think it's bad every where any more!
I was also parked at the very back of the parking lot. I even walked out to my truck at about 2:15 or 2:30 (don't really remember for sure) to get my room key out of the truck. I didn't see anything; I just heard some people talking in the stair well at the back of the building. I think I remember seeing your truck parked back by the dumpsters when we got there for the banquet. Sorry I can't give you any helpful info.