truck cuts off

Back-N-Black 76

New member
Apr 19, 2008
while driving down the road my truck will cut off. its like it is running out of fuel. i have a full tank of fuel, just put a new II Hot Rod injection pump and ecm. as far as I know my FASS is good. I also dropped the tank and there was nothing in there. there was a worn place on the hose from the tank to the FASS pump but i replaced that and it is still cutting off. when it does cut off it takes a while to start back up. i crank it for bout 10 seconds and then let the FASS run, i do that cycle about 2-3 times then it will fire back up. Any ideas of what can be causing this?
I hate to ask this rookei question but what is your fuel pressure? After a fuel filter change on mine my pressures dropped and im seeing 14psi at WOT, not my normal 16-17psi.
im not sure what my pressure is. I dont have a gauge. I did check it at my mechanics shop the other day while at idle and it was good. dont remember the number but it was good.
Low fuel pressure wouldnt cause it just to die while going down the road.

Does it make any noises or hiccups or dash lights or something when it dies? Or does it just act like somebody turned the key off? May be a bad pump. It happens every now and again.
I had a similar problem the last 2 weeks just like this. Both guys claimed their AirDog would quit working. Which can't happen unless the fuse pops, power to the pump is cut off, or it is locked up and isn't gonna work again. These guys claimed after they shut their trucks off and turn the key back to on. The pump would begin to run. No popped fuse obviously. SOMETHING, is signaling that circuit off. And I don't really know what it is. I had them jump the relay and wire it to a switch cause neither of them wanted to mess with it anymore. They just wanted to get the truck running. So I called Diesel Dan who used to work for the other company. Very skilled in what he did. And he was unsure himself. Hope maybe some of you injection pump guru's or ecm guru's can explain what is possibly going on.
These trucks both had good fuel pressure and then went directly to 0psi. Neither would recover until he turn the truck completely off. Then the AirDog powered back up.
sounds very dumb but check all grounds and clean them well. happened to me exactly the same normal driving and the truck would cut out. found that terminals weren't as tight as i thought. a buddy of mine with the same deal one of the main battery neg cables was corroded almost all the was through same bucking/cutting out while driving normal.
I have checked the grounds and replace all the terminals. no dash lights or anything. it just sputters like it ran out of fuel then cut off. I put a II Hot Rod pump on and drove it for a week and it went bad, they warrantied it and sent me a new one. I have just put this one on and replaced the ECM. Still having problems.
But now i think i might have bigger problems. It cut off again on me this afternoon. I cranked it and nothing, I cracked the inj. line and im getting fuel. tried again then noticed i now have no oil pressure, so of course now it wont start. Wat is going on with this truck!?!?!???:nail:
yeah that is what im starting to think. got the truck started. replaced the relay on my fass. guess ill run it and see what else happens.