Truck is running weird


New member
Jan 11, 2016
I took my injection pump off my truck yesterday and when I put it all back together and took it for a spin I noticed it was really laggy, it ran fine before but now it takes for ever to build boost like if I stomp on it in 5th gear it would go to about 10 and just hang there. So I'm thinking I got a boost leak somewhere. It used to run great hardly any lag. As far as I know the timing didn't get messed with. Thanks for any info.
My timing was set at about 19-20*, when I took the pump off I just marked the pump shaft and the gear so it could go back in the same spot. It's wired like I can hit 40lbs of boost in like 3rd and 4th but it takes forever to wind it out like it don't get it there till like 3500-3800. In 5th gear it was a dog it was struggleing to get 10lbs. This all started after I took the pump off and put it back on to fix an oil leak. Before that she would build boost quick! And she pulled hard. I have and adjustable pump gear so I don't think the timing slipped. I thought maybe I had a boost leak, being it took so long to make boost. I appreciate any info guys.
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Make sure the fuel shut off solenoid shaft still has the woodruff key. Sounds like it might not, you may have tightened the pinch bolt at the wrong orientation, and now you're limiting fuel.
I'm pretty sure it does being i had that problem happen and I couldnt shut the truck off. Lol. It throws the fuel out I mean it pours black smoke when I punch it, I'll double check though. I'm open to any suggestions, I still have an oil leak I can't seam to fix haha.
Just double check your work! Start from the beginning am end with checking your timing.
If you've got tons of fuel, and you're sure the timing didn't slip, it's either you're not getting air or you've got some sort of compression issue.

When you say you've got an adjustable timing gear, does it have the key built in, or can it possibly slip still?
Yea it's got the key built into it. So I don't think it slipped. It's just strange that the truck runs great then I take the pump off then put it back on and it runs like crap. I'd hope it's not a compression issue.
If you didn't pin the pump before you removed it will turn on its own when the gear is removed. You don't necessarily have to put the pin in but the flat bar needs to be visable in the port, at that spot in the rotation of the pump its not under any tension and won't move.
I put marks on the shaft and the gear and lined them back up when I put the pump back in. Wouldn't hurt to pin the pump and retime it is guess. It would rule out the timing then.
Now that I think about it. I didn't plug in that tps sensor or what ever it's called that plugs into the back of the throttle linkage. I thought that just was for cruise control. Could that have to do with it?
Now that I think about it. I didn't plug in that tps sensor or what ever it's called that plugs into the back of the throttle linkage. I thought that just was for cruise control. Could that have to do with it?

That shouldn't effect cooling. Only cruise and on an auto, it can change OD and TC lockup.
Well I guess I can rule that out then. I'll start by checking the timing I guess and go from there.
Leave a rag in the intake? I vote either timing messed up or a boost leak from taking the charge piping off.