truck only has 33k & motor is gone

Happens to the best of products. My buddy bought a *new* D-6 and @ 100 hours the motor poped. It happens.
what caused the failure? it looks like the rod cap broke off is the truck stock?
Funny....the diff cover on my 06 looks that bad. Does that mean that I am abusing my truck? It pretty abused in this pic....

Nice looking Truck bro!

I dont see anything in that video that can account for the Rod coming through the block! A dirty air filter, Dirty Fuel Filter and Programmer wont do that! Are these dealership mechanics really that stupid?
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Can't tell you how many times I have seen this video with these two trying to make a case that said airfilter and fuel filter caused the motor to throw a rod.

Get a job!
LOL LOL That's funny. I can't believe that idiot mechanic honestly believes that caused the rod to blow. I guess dealerships are looking for absolutely any excuse they can to void warrantys.
When I worked at the local dealership, one of our customers (Superintendant at the cement plant) came in with his 05. Only 26,000 miles on it. Had a new inspection hole over the starter. He said he was pulling his fiver up a grade and it started ticking, so he pulled over and shut it off and it wouldn't start again. I was able to reach, shoulder deep into the hole, and pull the #5 rod out of the bottom of the pan!
A '97 parts truck I bought had the same exact issue as the truck in that video- somebody spit #6 rod through the block and wiped out the starter. Funny thing is, the place that had it changed the starter somehow without realizing there was a hole in the block.