
New member
Oct 9, 2006
I got the 6 Pos chip installed today and its supposed to have the nvk4 programs on it but I dont think it does. I got stock, hi idle, 50,75,100,140 and it seems to be pretty quick but doesn't seem to be as fast as it was when I had my edge attitude on it. Also when its turned all the way up and Im cruising at hwy speeds 55mph plus and I stab the gas to the floor it downshifts for like a half a sec and seems like it goes right back into overdrive because its really sluggish and does like a torque roll from overdrive and def doesn't take off like it did with my edge on it. Also the shifts are EXTREMEMLY hard and takes like 1.5secs to shift.. Does the computer take time to learn or anything?


I got the chip burned by Ts Performance there self. I was driving the truck around and had it on the 100hp setting and stabbed the gas and the truck took off and then just fell on its face... I slowed down to dead stop and gave it gas and the truck doesn't really want to move at all. You floor it and it just revs up and slowly starts to climb mph. It wont down shift when going it just just pegs out the rpms in that gear and slowly climbs mphs. It takes FOREVER to get to 45mph. Its not the motor because you put it in neutral and rev and it revs and sound fine. I figured the programmer might of messed up so I turned the truck off and cranked it back up and same thing. So I turned the knob to stock and still same thing. I even took the chip out of the computer and its still doing the same thing. Did the chip mess my tranny up? Because My tranny was fine early today before I put the TS on there. My tranny showed no signs of messing up. Now that I put the TS on there its all messed up now. I can't even keep up with traffic.
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Rather than posting a rant here, you probably should get in touch with TS performance. Their customer service is very good and I'm sure they will work with you with the problem.
Not really ranting, Im sure there customer service is awesome. Im just curious if anyone on here can help me fix my problem or has an idea of whats going on with my truck.
jyarber said:
Not really ranting, Im sure there customer service is awesome. Im just curious if anyone on here can help me fix my problem or has an idea of whats going on with my truck.

So, you would rather ask a member here who may have the right idea rather than talk to the people that build the product?
Give TS a call tomorrow morning and tell them what is going on with your truck. Let them know everything you have tried and tell them EXACTLY how the truck responded. Also, do this in a friendly manner (being bitter and argumentative only makes both parties defensive and nothing gets accomplished).
Let us know how you come out..:)

Yea thats what Im going to do. Its just aggravating when things out of the blue happen like this. Ill keep yall informed. I just hope it didn't burn my tranny up.... How do you tell if your torque convertor is going out?
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I agree, give them a call as Scott, Casey and Burner have mentioned.

It would be hard to toast a trans in a day.....unless you were powerbraking the for a long, long time LOL
I drove my truck like a moron...and my trans lasted for close to 40,000 miles....of course only maybe 18,000 was chipped.
If your tranny went, its most likely due to the Edge. Edge is notorious for busted tannies. There is a good chance the damage was done from the edge, then you loaded up the TS and the damage reared its ugly head from having diferent power, adn the tranny having to learn.
The TS chip most likly did not do the damage, but just did it in... I am sorry to tell you that most likly the tranny is dead...

If you dont get any satasfaction out of TS drop Tadd a note at www.elite-diesel.com a note... Been running his tunes for over 18 months now and have found nothing I like better. I have a TS chip, DI chip, Tonys chip, and Tadds chip... Best is Tadd's, 326 on stock injectors and no water, 363 with 40% meth/water...
Wow well I feel like a retard now. I figured out why my truck was running like crap. I guess last night when I kinda got on it a little the boost made one of the intercooler tubes pop off at the intercooler. It was just so late and dark I guess I over looked it. Put it all back together and it runs like a champ now. I also changed my fuel filter. But Im still going to send the chip back in and let them do some adjusting because I didn't like some things about it.. Does anyone know if they can ajust how much boost the programs put out etc? Im only seeing 25psi on the 140hp setting. I was seeing 28psi on my edge with 100hp. I talked to Chris at TS and he thinks that maybe they tuned my chip with the extreme shift file instead of the smooth.
Boost does not mean power, does it feel stronger? DI chip put out 29# boost and 326 hp, Tadds chip puts out 25# and 350 (with the water meth) but still lower boost and more HP...