TS versus DJ's help?


New member
Sep 1, 2006
Which is better for more smoke and power?
TS performance 6 switch
Or the Dj's performance looney tune and sct thingy?:confused:

Does DJ do any tuning for the 7.3??
I only hear of him doing 6.0 related stuff....

I have the TS Performance 6 position and love it.
The Crazy Cuban (DJ) used to do some wild tunes for the 7.3 via chips but has since ran out of chips to burn and is doubtful that he will order any more as he mostly works on the 6.0's. Sorry.
Do a search on posts that I have make in the past couple of weeks. The posts may help you in your decision.:aiwebs_027:
Easy big fella, I'm sure things will get figured out when they get home :Cheer: