TST or Smarty

I agree. The Smarty is what I would get first, then later on or if not at the same time get the TST w/ r49. Though if you have the right requirements for Bob and Marco to let you have the TNT/R Smarty, then there probably will not be any reason to get the TST.
TST & Smarty

TST is still working on the program and will allow it to work with the Smarty better. I just talked with Mark yesterday and he said a few more weeks. Someone posted that TST was NOT going to do this program,.. they are WRONG. I asked Mark specifically about it. Both are standalone products and he is backing off his duration so there isn't too much overlap as with their regular program. The R-49 will have at least two programs then so it will work as a stackable box. :evil
TST is still working on the program and will allow it to work with the Smarty better. I just talked with Mark yesterday and he said a few more weeks. Someone posted that TST was NOT going to do this program,.. they are WRONG. I asked Mark specifically about it. Both are standalone products and he is backing off his duration so there isn't too much overlap as with their regular program. The R-49 will have at least two programs then so it will work as a stackable box. :evil

They figure out the rail pressure deal yet? I was apparently supposed to get a test harness, but it never came.
Tst told me everything is fixed on the 04.5's. "We dont know of problems with the ra49 on that truck it was the 06+ trucks." That was after they had replaced my harness and reprogrammed it and I havnt got the truck back yet but the shop says its still problematic and they pulled it. Thats when I got that answer.