TST Pmax 3

Sheesh, you'd think I was getting old with all the stuff I forget about lately. Yes, it is here. It has an 00, 01 MAP plug. I did get that much looked at.

Replied to both PMs.

Thank you
Hi Noah,
Your PM was the first one so it's yours. I will finish pulling it from Ol Blue this morning. Do you want any pictures? If so they are much easier to send via text message if that's ok?
Noah, after sending you that picture, all sorts of things broke loose. I spent the rest of the day fixing irrigation. When I went back to the house last night, the door was still standing open on Ol Blue. Sorry. I'll get it pulled today! Promise! Sort of......
Hahahahah no problem Rob. We're all busy, I know how it goes. Whenever you can get to it is fine. A picture of the MAP plug on the harness is all I need.

Check went out this morning, so it should be arriving Wednesday I'd imagine.

Sold. Thanks Noah. It will be in the mail in Monday so they should pass each other maybe at 30,000 ft!