Tuckahoe Pull Date Change


New member
Oct 26, 2007
The pickup pull at Tuckahoe Steam and Gas scheduled for September 6 will be rescheduled, due to a date conflict with a pull ath The Buck. October should allow us to get some of the East Coast Pro- Stock trucks down here for the event. Anyone know of any dates for October as fas as other pulls?
Thanks man, sounds good to me. Most pulls are done by October so dates should be easy to pick, tho usually around the 20th of October there is a big dyno day event in Pa that alot of diesel guys go to. When I hear the date for this years event I'll post it up here.
Awesome, im game let us know and i will see about getting he other guys to come down. Maybe this time i wont tear anything up, good thing you all have that loading dock there, would have been a little tricky getting her up on trailer had it not been there.
Ill keep checking in for a date. I don't know when sulderville is having there pull. They might not. They had some issues with some youngins destroying the parking area after the rain. So I don't know if the fair grounds will let them back.
yea we had some problems, but we fixed the park and the fair board is letting us have another one its august 16 at one. its going to be during their 4-h fair so it should be a big turn out. ILL start a thread in the next few days.
scott- when you post a new thread let us know what the pay outs are and if the rules are still the same as always.
yea i will tj.
And as far as the rules go, they are pretty much the same just trying to be the same as most pulls.

And we are trying to get a bigger payout to draw a bigger crowd.
But we are working together with the 4-h park/fair on this pull so they decide the amount.
So what date we looking at. Need to know if I need to take leave. I have only missed the spring one, had a BBQ at an old frinds house that day.
Oct. 18-19th is the MDTDC Fall Brawl, alot of guys go up there for that so that might be a bad choice for a weekend. Just a heads up.
Date for our Tuckahoe Pickup Season end Pull will be Oct 25, Starting at 12:00 Noon. More Details to come................
should be there...i guess i dont start tearing my truck down for the winter until the 26th now LOL
Well I was informed that my Fathers retirement party for the FD will be the 24th so I will be in CT. Sorry guys, wish i could be there. Wanted to see if my pull at Cecilton was a fluke
Theres always next year. Everything is coming together for this pull. We will be running everything from work stock to pro-stock diesel.
Change in plans for the party..... not till november so count me in. John we still running the 6800 for gas right?
Yeah, we are still at 6,800 for the gas class. Trophies are ordered, working on getting some of the bigger diesels in to help put on a show.