Tuning issue


New member
Sep 21, 2010
Cruising at anything above 55 my egt's are around 1000* and boost is around 11-12, I don't have any boost leaks so is my afc spring to light or what because it seems like I'm getting way to much fuel. I even have my boost reference line to my afc disconnected and I can still push 45psi on my turbo?? Also no matter how I drive I can't get better then 15mpg. So what's my problem?
do you still ave the afc foot in the afc, and the boost line off?

if the foot is still in there and the boost line is off

1. its now a boost leak
2. the afc foot is not moving forward at all, and shouldnt let the

it sounds like your afc is gutted, which if it is, you need to put it back together

sounds like your getting more fuel than you need all the time, i bet it smokes like a train too
I'm not that stupid to gut my afc haha, everythings still in there.

I am getting way to much fuel and I'm trying to figure out why even with the boost line disconnected it still gets to much.
did this just recently happen or just started when you did injectors or turbo. Have you tryed setting the afc back to stock(location of housing, star wheel and preboost screw)?
Changing lever height had no change.

No this has been going on ever since I bought the truck, I had the starwheel in tons of different positions and no change, haven't messed with the housing or preboost screw since spool-up is where I want it.