turbo choice

you havent searched good enough cause there is multiple threads about people asking "what turbo is better for my set up?"
also no one will be able to answer it anyways unless you explain the mods you have done to your truck
how much power do you want 'op' ? and how much money do you have to spend ? ..... is your auto built ?
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i have searched havent found anything like my situation "chevycummins"

It's a good thing you specified your special "situation". Do you honestly think "street truck/daily driver" tells us jack ****? You're wasting your time here, better run off to a Jr. Cummins website.

You could just go with a simple hx 40/35 hybrid. And Fill out your sig. It's alot more helpful to know what you have done.
You could just go with a simple hx 40/35 hybrid. And Fill out your sig. It's alot more helpful to know what you have done.

You COULD get syphllis too. Sure it's fun when you get it, but it just winds up costing you down the road....