turbo exh housing


New member
Nov 29, 2006
Ok Boy's I have posted about how to tell what exhaust housing is on my HT3B everyone says the number is normally on the housing well here are all the numbers that were on it on the one side there is this just like I typed it.

696290 32
DUC h -8-

the h is surrounded by a circle then on the other side there is this

M194 2

The M194 is on a small plate screwed onto the housing just big enough to but the numbers on it, the 2 is on the housing right after the plate does any of this tell me anything and if not how can I measure the housing to tell what it is so I know if I need a different top turbo or just a different housing on the big on thanks.
ok guys it a 32 wow that explains why they don't really light till 1800 to 2000 grand but at the same time I'm suprised I maintain 70 psi when using the stocker on top well I'm going to be putting a 26 housing on right away.

Here is a question for you guys does any one have a stock 12cm housing around they will trade for a another stock housing.
Here is the thing the housing on my stocker has cracks in it I have another stock 12cm housing laying here but it is for the style that the wastegate diagham goes foward and mount to the compressor housing, I need one that the wastegate diagham mounts to the exhaust housing it's self and the wastgate housing comes out to the side.

And if any one want a 32 housing for a HT3B let me know I'll let it go cheap thanks guys.