turbo guys

It will IMO help with drive pressures boost pressures and make your bottom turbo light faster/ harder with 2 gates one for the s480 also you could controll pressure to the psi and spray the snot out of it.
Quick question without starting a new thread.

So a big single with a tight exhaust won't flow as much as the same single with a loose exhaust. But with a gate, you can keep the faster spooling, and lower EGT's/BP right? And still make the same pressure?

And too tight of an A/R on a big single with a decent turbine will choke the turbine before the gate even gets to open. So correct sizing is needed even if your gating it. And many times the right size for the flow you need at the rpm you turn is large enough to not need a gate. Nitrous is another issue.
Everyone tells me my 66/65/14 is a ticking timebomb with my setup. Will an external gate help lengthen it's life? Or do I still need to try and make it a 66/71?

The 65 wheel just does not flow enough for that compressor and not nearly as much as the 71 turbine. A .83-.9 t3 or t4 housing is around $250 or so new. A good 38-50mm gate will run you anywhere from $250-$350. My 50mm synapse was $350 with all flanges and clamps to install, although the clamps suck ass and I ended up shelling out money for nice ones. So in the end you will have a good flowing, nitrous friendly housing and gate setup for the price of the internal. I don't know what the 71 upgrade costs.
Definitely keep an eye out for a 71mm turbine they really flow well, you're probably gonna lose 200 rpm in spool though. Gate it as well.