Turbo Help


New member
Oct 15, 2008

Just wondering what happens in this part of a turbo


The reason I am asking is because it appears to be leaking oil from there. Checked my oil level a couple of days ago and it was fine, checked it yesterday and it was down. There was also a haze of smoke coming from that area after I took the truck for a drive.

Another note when I started the truck on Sunday morning it was approx 23 fahrenheit out, and very very windy has been for a while, truck was not plugged in. Was a little hard to start, and when it finally started smoked a ton of white out.

My engine mods are 62mm turbo, 370 injectos, s&b intake, new o ringed head.
I believe that would be your wastegate housing if you open that up there would be two wastegate flaps etc. Im not completely sure since i havent messed with that alot. But white smoke etc and burning oil/oil leaking in or around turbo sounds like the seals are shot in the turbo. Pull the dowpipe off and see if there is a sticky oil residue in the exhaust housing it should just be soot no oil residue, also you check the intercooler side too pull intercooler pipe off that connects the compressor to the intercooler and look for oil there as well.
that is your wastegate. that plate is how they install the two pucks. hazing a little when it is cold out is normal, especially since you have 370 injectors with a 155* spray pattern, spraying "into" a 145* bowl. if you time your truck it will be worse with the starting and the smoke. 370s make good power, but they run hot usually if you are using what they are capable of flowing.