turbo upgrade...seat of the pants


New member
Jul 19, 2010
I hate to bring a newb post in here but I have a couple of questions. I'm still running a 02 dodge dually 4x2 with hx35, 130 nozzles, comp box, some head studs, 6 speed and a ceramic metallic clutch. I am wanting to upgrade my turbo but am wondering how much more you actually feel in the seat. I am thinking about the 62/65/12-13 or possibly the 62/71/14. I know with the 14 I might need a mild nos to get it spooled up on the strip. How much of a pain is the bigger turbo on the street and is the trade off worth it on the strip. Thx
if you are really concerned about spoolup, stay away from the 71 wheel, go with either the 65mm 11 blade turbine, or the 68mm 10 blade turbine with a 13SS housing, the 65mm wheel is going to be easier to choke out on the top end vs. the 68mm wheel, and you won't have as much room to grow with the 65mm wheel. i have the 62/68/13ss combo on my truck and it is a awsome charger, spools like a dream, and you having a 24v should be even easier for you to spool it wiht the right fueling mods.

It will be a completely different vehicle with the upgrade turbo. Different torque curve, different egt, top end will be available longer.
The 71 sounds big unless you are planning to grow. The 65 will start to get hot again top end. IMO.
Dave Dunbar posted graphs long ago of the stock turbo vs the 62/71 and while it gained a noticeable amount of power above 2200 rpms, the stock turbo actually made more power below these rpms. A bigger turbine shifts the whole curve to the right. So the truck will drive differently depending on the choice you make now so keep that it mind.
This is exactly what I noticed. I didn't percieve any "decrease" in power where the '35 had operated before.
what will be the sacrifice if I use the 68 wheel in order to keep the cooler egt's?
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Thanks guys. I am trying to avoid buying too big of a turbo but at the same time I don't want to leave power on the table. I guess a 62/68/13 would be a pretty good candidate? Sort of the "in between" perfect turbo? All I ever haul is my rock buggy which trailer and all might weigh 6500lb.
Have you ever set an overall hp goal? I think you would be happy with a 62/68 or 64/68 but I haven't gotten to run anything other than stockers and a 62/65.
Call ED, tell them what you have and they will get you what you need. Id go at least 64mm though, spool-up has a variance between users.
If you tow I would NOT recommend the 62/71/14. I tow and I lost my lower end with it but got a larger top end. I would prefer the lower end over the top end, go with the 62/65/13SS or 62/71/13 or something similar. Just my opinion though, from personal experience.
If your considering a 65 turbine wheel I would use a 14 (.80) housing.
I made the same switch you are contemplating. Went from a PDR HX-35 to a 62/65/14. Lost some bottom end but midrange and top end better. If your happy to stay below 425 hp this should work good.