Turns over and fires but won't run


New member
Apr 1, 2011
I have a 96 cummins. It's never done this to me before it just happened now. I was going to change the grid heater relays because the one is broke and don't work. But I ended up leaving it alone now how ever the problem here is the truck will turn over and run as long as I have the key turned over with the starter engaged. Its never done it to me before as well as my rpm gauge isn't moving when it's on either. Please help me here As I have no idea why it's doing this but really need to get it resolved!

Having almost the exact problem with my 95. Just ordered a new shutdown solenoid. Hope it fixes it!
I'm glad the Previous Owner of my truck tossed the shut off solenoid in the garbage. There are a thousand threads about it lol.. :Cheer:
Some like to use a cable mod. One post showed picts of one going right down thru the solenoid with the cable.
Had the same problem, chose to fix it, actually found the adjustment of the rod on mine was out. Don't make sense that after driving it for 16 years and only removing it to do GSK and AFC tuning. But that seems to be it for mine.
The repair info I found was easier to find on another site, I'm still having probs with the search feature here.
I actually just ordered a new solenoid a couple days ago. Found my adjustment was out, but it did not fix the problem. I really hope the solenoid is the root of my starting problems, because its starting to get pretty annoying.
Did you troubleshoot the rest of the solenoid circuits? Proper troubleshooting means you don't need to hope for the part to fix the issue.
It could possoibly b the relay on the firewall.. i rplaced the relay at the same time when i swapt out the solenoid cuz i got tired of sticking my arm thru the wheelwell and opening or closing the shutoff...